Ensuring BIS Compliance for Telescopic Ball Bearings: A Strategic Guide for Foreign Exporters to India

On May 2, 2024, the Ministry of Commerce and Industry, in consultation with the Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS), published a Quality Control Order (QCO) under the BIS Act of 2016.
BIS Updates on Gypsum Plaster Boards and Glass Fibre Boards: A Crucial Guide for Foreign Exporters to India

As of March 2024, the Ministry of for Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade (PIIT), Government of India released a new Quality Control Order (QCO) covering water meters under IS 2373:1981 and IS 779:1994 standards
Latest BIS Updates: A Guide for Foreign Companies Exporting Water Meters to India

As of March 2024, the Ministry of for Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade (PIIT), Government of India released a new Quality Control Order (QCO) covering water meters under IS 2373:1981 and IS 779:1994 standards
Mandatory BIS Registration for Potable Water Bottles and Insulated Flasks in India

/ Mandatory BIS Registration for Potable Water Bottles and Insulated Flasks in India On the 5th and 14th of July 2023, the Ministry of Commerce and Industry, Department for Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade of the Government of India published an order for mandatory certification of the following products with the Bureau of Indian […]
BIS Update: Amendment to Lauric Acid Products in India’s Chemicals and Petrochemicals Sector

/ BIS Update: Amendment to Lauric Acid Products in India’s Chemicals and Petrochemicals Sector The Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS), the national standards body of India, recently made significant amendments to its Quality Control order pertaining to the chemicals and petrochemicals sector. Released on 24th April 2023, the update addresses explicitly the regulation of Lauric Acid […]
Mandatory Compliance for Foreign companies selling Polyethylene Material Products in India

/ Mandatory Compliance for Foreign companies selling Polyethylene Material Products in India The Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) recently issued an important update concerning polyethylene material for moulding and extrusion in India. This development has significant implications for European businesses, as India emerges as a key player in the global plastics industry. With its vast market potential and […]