For improving the Quality of Products and to provide the advantages of Standardization to common consumers, the Indian Standards Institution started operating the Certification Marks Scheme under the Indian Standards Institution (Certification Marks) Act, 1952. The Scheme was formally launched in 1955 and is popularly known as the ‘ISI Marking Scheme’.
BIS Conformity Assessment Schemes for Product Certification are operated through a network of 41 Branch Offices across the country and 5 Reginal Offices overseeing the work of the Branch Offices. Under Scheme I, Licence to use the Standard Mark (ISI Mark) on a product is granted to a manufacturer after assessing the Manufacturing and Testing Capabilities of the manufacturer as well as ensuring conformity of the product to the requirements of the relevant Indian Standard(s) through testing. During operation of Licence, surveillance visits of the licensees’ premises, testing of products drawn from factory and open market etc. are carried out by BIS to maintain a close vigil of the operation of the licence as well as the Quality of BIS certified goods.
Although the ISI Marking Scheme is voluntary in nature, the Government of India on various considerations like public interest, protection of human, animal or plant health, safety of the environment, prevention of unfair trade practices, national security etc. has notified various products for compulsory compliance to Indian Standards through Quality Control Orders (QCO).
Government of India keeps issuing Quality Control Orders (QCO) time to time for notifying new products under the ambit of mandatory certification. The broad categories of products are summarised as under:
- Cements
- Household Electrical Goods
- Batteries
- Food and Related Products
- Oil Pressure Stove
- Automobile Accessories
- Cylinders and Valves
- Medical Equipment
- Steel and Iron Products
- Electrical Transformer, motor, Capacitor
- Chemicals & Fertilizers
- Kitchen Appliances
- Domestic Water Heater (LPG)
- AC, Plug & Socket Outlets
- Domestic Stove (LPG)
- Transparent Float Glass
- Domestic Pressure Cooker
- Cables & accessories
- Toys
- Foot Wears
- Helmet for 2-Wheeler
- Press Tool Punches
- Reflectors for Cycle
- Butterfly Valves
- Woven Sacks
- Papers
- Safety Glass & Flat Glass
- Aluminium foil etc.
For detailed information on ISI Marking Scheme, please click this link or you can contact our experts below.